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Srinagar, 13 July (KS) : To admire the people who become caretakers of the nation, steadfast to build it into appraising community where they encourage the motion called equality. Equality is a broader term, to imply in a practical way is the method of practice which only few can do and are doing.
Among the feasible ceremonies that are held throughout the territory and in the country, we come to see the ceremonies of mass marriage happening across the country and various states are being part of this initiative.
Valley has also seen the mass marriage ceremonies that were previously held by NGO and it encouraged to reform the social stigma and anonymously provides the best of social service.
Marriage is not the complicated process but we made it so. Any person who has reached the marriageable age can afford to practice marriage in a soft and simple manner. There is no social adversity that can stop a person from getting married in the way he/she wants. We are bond to
social rituals and customs and that have left us nowhere.
Today, at saidakadal area of Srinagar witnesses ceremony of mass marriage for 12 couples who tie the knot in a simple and uncomplicated way. The act is highly appreciable and the organisation
named as ” peace and friendship foundation J&K (NGO)” have taken up the initiative for the mass marriages held in J&k whose chairman is Mr. Ashiq Hussain.
Talking to the news agency Kashmir Scroll Media secretary of the concerned NGO said, “having not much availablity of resources the arrangement for only 12 couples we were able to do”
“We are planning for the mass marriage of 75 couples after 2 months but today we succeed in helping the 12 couples to get married”, he said
One organisation is already working for the mass marriages but we also initiate to do this because our society is lacking somewhere and our youth have no idea to get married before they settle down their career. We have seen young people of marriageable age don’t dare to even discuss about marriage because they find it difficult due to rituals and customs that is in existence in our society, he added.
In islamic text, there is no mention about the customs that we have ourself engraved in our community. Our prophet (S.A.W) has also encouraged simple marriage(nikkah ceremony) which any person can afford.
“Here we encourage that their should not be high expenses for the marriage ceremony as we do it in a simpler way and couples and their families are happy with the initiative”, he said
The main motive for the mass marriage in j&k is to encourage young people to get marry without being hesitant by norms and schedule of the time and to motivate them to enshrine their souls with islamic methodology, and without being subject to the societal norms.(KS)