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(A positive Edge for Plebiscite and a gesture towards secularism on political bases)
Social/Political activist
BJP workers in Kashmir celebrated party’s victory in Gujrat and Himachal with full on swing mode by using fire crackers and dancing on the red streets of valley.
Why they celebrated, either for displaying loyalty or for achievement of political goals, that is something secondary, but what is noticeable there, people like Arnab Goswami, Sambit Patra, Parveen Togadia, and Sushil Pandit along with so called brigadiers were chanting and barking on the killing of BJP activist Gowher.
They should introspect and realise before hitting and pointing out Kashmir as a fearful region, in day and night panels and conferences , that Gowher was not any public figure nor any famous personality, if his murder was a part of pro active killing campaign of pro Indians in Kashmir.
Then how and why the top activists of Bhartiya Janta Party, Ali Mohd Mir, Altaf Thakur, Arif Raja, Gh. Hassan Rather and other activists are moving a free hand and are celebrating and campaigning for party time and again, without any threat from a very beginning.
Heaps and centuries of programmes are itself a live proof for innocence of Kashmiris and Kashmiri Millitants.
From the very beginning we only witnessed that Millitants only warn activists, informers and sources that not to aware security agencies about their details, instead of their bloodshed.
But there is a strong need of an hour to observe that what brutality forced youth here to choose gun and oppose the mainstream.
Massacres like Kunan Poshpora, Asiya,neelofar rape case, day and night humiliation by security agencies, Afzal Guroo’s hanging is a sufficient reason, which attracts our youth towards revenge, they choose arms and weapon and adopt the way of Millitancy.
I am not supporting Millitants here or Millitant organizations but let me ask here, if new Delhi initiated a dialogue process a heaps of times, then why are they still in failure.
Those dialogue processes are not other than that of fake promises, as new Delhi is famous for, and they only want to prove their positive approach and innocence at world forum.
Otherwise if government of India is really interested to make Kashmir a terror free region, then why are they boosting state sponsored terrorism with modified equipments and latest techniques and ideas.
Such implementations only reflect that not India nor Pakistan want to wrap up this business industry and killing of innocent kashmiris, either that is Gowher, Umar Fayaz, Afzal Guroo or Burhan Muzzaffar Wani is a raw material for this industry to generate revenue here and there.
BJP’s Celebration and Campaigning time and again is itself a proof for existence of Indian activists in valley, more over Indian National Congress workers too define their love towards the country.
Then why India is afraid to give kashmiris a right to self determination and through a Plebiscite in order to solve the long pending dispute once at all,
May be India will grab a victory as BJP recorded in Himachal and Gujrat, and if India is claiming Kashmir as “Atoot Ang” then why at the playcard of Plebiscite India hide itself in the bag of cat.
Plebiscite is a bold step and will be accepted as sincerity and bravery of New Delhi and Indian rulers, or they should accept that they failed to win the hearts of kashmiris and are ruling on the barrel of guns and their occupation in Kashmir is illegal.
Author can be contacted on 8491000762
Or jkydf1@gmail.com