

Ganderbal 28 May (KNZ):Residents of Nunar area of Centeral Kashmir’s Ganderbal District are up in arm’s against district administration against non availability of doctors in PHC Nunar on Wednesday.

Residents said the Public Health Center in Nunar is the only PHC for dozens of villages of Their areas. More than 10000 people who depends on this PHC are facing issues due to government’s apathy. There is non availability of Doctors, staff and technology in the health center.

According to the residents hardly any doctor comes to see patients in this health center. At the time of emergencies people have to go beyond this area and take patients to a nearby hospital which is located at a distance of 10 to 12 Kms.

They said that the PHC is not more than a sub-centre in absence of doctors and medical facilities.

They said that the hospital is locked after 2:30pm everyday,They also added if anyone falls ill at after, we can’t come here as doctors are not available here.

Threatening to stage intense protests, the locals said that the LG administration and district administration must redress their grievances. In case the administration failed to redress their grievances they will take streets against the administration.

When Kashmir News Zone-KNZ contacted CMO Ganderbal Mr Mehraj U Din he said , “I will talk with BMO Ganderbal and necessary action will be taken , if staff is found absent .”KNZ