
GFA president denies allegation of assault


Ganderbal July 08 (KNZ) :What is coming as a shocker for sports lovers in Ganderbal ,president district Football Association Ganderbal has allegedly physically assaulted a football player during a football match.

Players of a local Football club are alleging that during a football match on Tuesday our captain was mishandled by President Ganderbal Football Assocation.

The players said , “During the match referee was very baised.He was favouring other team , first we didn’t paid much heed,but when our player was clearly brought down in panelty area ,we demanded a panelty he ruled out any foul.In Protest we left the ground peacefully .”

“The referee who happens to be also president GFA threatned us and was trying to snatch our jerseys ,he then slapped our captain .”They added.

The captain of the team said , “How can President of Ganderbal Football Assocation act in the violent manner.He happens to be custodian of Football here ,but ironically he acted irresponsibly .”

The captain said we had every right to protest wrong decision but it doesn’t mean anyone will assault and humilate us.

The team which was allegedly humiliated consists of top state level budding footballers.One of them has attended a national camp and is player of Kerala based football club .Due to COVID-19 restrictions players are now playing locally in their areas.

Football lover in Ganderbal are castigating such act .One of the football lover said strong action be taken against such act.JKFA should intervene in this matter .

Young footballers are our future we can’t let chair holders of a Football body to assault and humiliate them.

When Kashmir News Zone-KNZ contacted president Ganderbal Football Assocation said , “After a little argument on decision making the players left the ground .I requested them to play but one of them pushed me.There was little altercation after that . Nothing serious happened There.”

Questions are also being raised in the way Football match was conducted .

According to Football players who played the match , in 11 aside match only 1 referee was officiating and there were no lines man which lead to wrong decision making.KNZ