
Jan Bazillah

Srinagar:As a human being we cannot control our tongue.In this world the biggest problem is that people are not able to control their tongues from talking.And the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)said, in the meaning of his hadith, tradition, part of the hadith is that “anyone who can guarantee for me,” he is saying, “can guarantee for me his tongue,” he didn’t say “his tongue” but he said, “what is between his jaws, I will guarantee for him Paradise.” Because you don’t know how you might address people and you hurt their feelings.

People might commit sins, too many and they might do things that are not allowed.” It means they might lie or they might cheat or they might because of their greediness or they might do other things or not following what they need to follow in their beliefs, all that if you ask repentance, Allah will forgive you. .

Anything that is between you and Allah you do something wrong and you might take something to your advantage from the rights of your creator you repent, Allah is merciful He will forgive you.
As it is said in the Holy Qur’an, “Say (OH MOHAMMAD) to the people, ‘If they were oppressors to themselves, let them not lose hope of My forgiveness. I will forgive them, just let them repent.”

Allah is always merciful. But the problem is that when we hurt the feeling of someone else or we backbite someone else or we spread a bad rumor about someone else, the problem is not that you repent and Allah will forgive. The problem is that the person you hurt you must ask forgiveness. So there is a problem there. Might be the person you ask will not forgive you. So what happens? You are falling into a valley that has not bottom.
When the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)asked his companions about the meaning of bankruptcy, and we have lot of bankruptcy going around today.

He asked them, “who is the bankrupt one?” They said, “whoever loses his wealth.” He said, “No, this is not the real meaning of bankrupt.” Although that is what we understand, bankruptcy is whoever lost all his wealth. He said, “No, the bankrupt one is the one who has no good deeds to present to Allah on Judgment Day.” And the companions said, “even if he is praying and fasting?” and he said, “even if he is praying and fasting, he might not have any good deeds.”

They were surprised.
So it means on the Day of Judgment, and it is called judgment like you are judged here in a court, one person accuses the other. So on the Day of Judgment whoever has been harmed he will give from his good deeds to give to you. If he hurt you a lot then all the good deeds he did in his life will be transferred to you. Then he will be left with nothing, bankrupted.

So we said at the beginning that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)came to discipline us and to teach how to behave with each other and to be relate with each other. That is the message that we have to carry with us.

Unfortunately many of us they try to hurt the others… in different ways. Why? Because they thought this is their way, so even though they prayed and fasted, as the prophet Mohammad (PBUH)said, because they hurted the other they are bankrupted in the presence of Allah they have nothing, they deserve punishment.What do you think the punishment will be on them.

It is not going to be an easy punishment.
Prophet (s) said, “There will coming a time that there will be huge confusions around the world. Like chunks,… You know how you look at the sky at night and you don’t see any stars, there are huge chunks of dark night.

He said, “Confusions will be so dark and so huge,” as if someone looking in the sky and seeing huge darkness there, no light. So at that time he said, “the one who is sitting, is better than the one who is standing the one who is standing better than one walking the one walking on the street is better…?

If you get angry then hit on a stone.” Hit your hand or your stick, it means get your anger out on that stone, until you break your stick. Don’t involve with anyone as something might hurt .We are in such days.

That is why the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said “you have to be careful what you are saying and what you want to say.” Today what makes people falling into problems is they have to know what they have to speak and what they have to say. He said, “before you speak judge yourself before you talk anything.

Does anyone judge himself before he speaks?So the best is to keep silent. Study, learn. Look at your work and don’t involve yourself too much with issues that don’t concern you.

It means be ambitious do what you want to do, but check what you want to say, but try to do the maximum, No problem. But make sure you do for your other life, the afterlife, as if you are dying tomorrow.

So look at the both sides. He said, “look at this world as if you are living forever. But keep in mind you might die tomorrow. You have to keep both sides, as any time you might be called and asked.