Civil society coordination committee held a press conference here in Srinagar headed by G.N. Shaheen , Muzaffar Shah, Mufti NASIR, Mir Javid , Jagmohan singh Raina
Nasir Khan Central Kashmir Bureau Chief
Srinagar:- Civil society coordination committee held a press conference here in Srinagar headed by G.N. Shaheen , Muzaffar Shah, Mufti NASIR, mir Javid , Jagmohan singh Raina etc. The people of Jammu and Kashmir on this part of the ceasefire line take Article 35-A and Article 370 as the spirit of their identity till final resolution of the dispute on Jammu and Kashmir and would not like to disturb Article is sought to be disturbed by involving Supreme Court of politically sensitive which has potential to ruin the rot. Therefore, it is the incumbent duty upon Indian National Congress to protect the Article 35-A and restore Article 370 in letter and spirit till final resolution of the dispute on Jammu and Kashmir. The attempts to disturb or play with Article 35-A has united the people of Jammu and Kashmir in all the three regions i e. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, because nobody wants to play with it or allow anybody to play with it.
We all stand in defense of Article 35-A irrespective of our political believes, religious denominations, ethnic classifications and regional destinations. Let us suggest do not play with it. Do not make a mistake of it. The future of Jammu and Kashmir is at stake. We the people in Jammu and Kashmir are passing ua to year of armed conflict. The large concentration of troops of unleash the reign of terror on the people, and the draconian laws day in and day out by the Government of India to legalize the state repression has made it difficult rather impossible for the people to live with human dignity. All this state policy deserves to be revisited and reconsidered. Kashmir a unique problem and deserves a unique solution. Let us make which is animal existence not the human existence allowed to live in Jammu and Kashmir. All these measures nether can the of the people the ends of mighty or change the course We hope the of history promises as extended by the founder of modern India Mr. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru are observed in observance and not in breach. The Indian National Congress is obligation to dispel its own faults on Jammu and Kashmir