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GANDERBAL :30TH APRIL 2023 Acting swiftly upon a specific information regarding gambling in the jurisdiction of Police Post Nagbal, Police team led by I/C PP Nagbal, SI Rakesh Pandita under the supervision of DySP Hqr’s Ganderbal Shri Gh Hassan-JKPS, raided a place at Bakoora and apprehended five persons on the spot. The accused persons were identified as:

  1. Ab Rashid Bhat S/O Gh Rasool Bhat R/O Pathan Mohalla Dargah
  2. Bashir Ahmad Kambay S/O Ab Gani Kambay R/O Astanpora Tailbal
  3. Imtiyaz Ahmad War S/O Mushtaq Ahmad War R/O Bakoora War Mohalla
  4. Mohd Rafiq Baba S/O Mohd Altaf Baba R/O Dargah Baba Mohalla
  5. Feroz Ahmad Bhat S/O Ab Rashid Bhat R/O Bakoora Bhat Mohalla

The Stake money of Rs: 23,390/-(Twenty Three Thousand Three Hundred Ninety) and playing cards were also recovered from their possession.

In this context, Case FIR No. 113/2023, U/S 13 Gambling Act stands registered at Police Station Ganderbal and investigation taken up.

Community members are requested to extend their cooperation to the Police and come forward with such information so that social crimes can be curbed effectively.