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March 09: Awarness session on taking precautionary measures from Coronavirus (COVID-19) was held today under the supervision of SP Handwara Dr. G.V. Sundeep Chakravarthy-IPS in the conference hall of DPL Handwara.

The session was attended by officers and jawans of Handwara Police and CAPF. Experts from Health Department Dr Nazir Ahmad, Dr Javid Iqbal, Dr Azhar Masoodi and Dr Barat also attended the event. The experts highlighted the necessary precautions required to be taken to protect from said infection. On the occasion, SP Handwara and the medical experts informed the participants not to panic but follow some precautionary measures to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19.

The best measures include frequent washing of hands, covering of face with fixed elbow or tissue while coughing and sneezing etc.The experts also advised participants to adhere the following DOs & DON’Ts to save themselves from COVID-19:· Do not panic.·

Avoid close contact with any one with cold or flu like symptoms.·

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with un-washed hands.·

Avoid direct contact with body fluids, particularly oral and respiratory secretion and stool.·

Avoid un- protected contact with line farm or wild animal.·

Avoid unnecessary visits to crowded places

. At the conclusion of the session, SP Handwara advised all the participants to share this valuable information with all of their family members, colleagues, friends and relatives and the people whom they meet during their duties.