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Student Special by Ehsaan Yousf
Online Submission of Term End Exam June 2018 Examination Form Available Now.
Dates for the Submission of Online Term End Examination form:
1st March 2018 to 30th April 2018- Without late fee

1st May 2018 to 10th May 2018- With late fee of Rs.1000/-
Examination fee & Mode of Payment:
Examination Fee
Rs 120 per course THEORY
Rs 120 per course PRACTICAL

Payment Mode : Credit Card / Debit Card /Net Banking

NOTE: In case, examination fee needs to be returned to student due to various technical reasons, the fee will be refunded to the same account (Credit card/ Debit card/ Net Banking) from which the payment was made.

Contact Details: In case of non receipt of Control number or any query pertaining to examination form please contact or send us email on :
For Master Degree programmes (e.g. MA/ MCOM/MCA/MSc etc.) teepg@ ignou.ac.in
For Bachelor Degree programmes (e.g. BA/BCOM/BSC/BCA etc.) teeug@ ignou.ac.in
For Certificate, Diploma and PG Diploma programmes (e.g. CFN/CRD/DNHE/PGDRD etc.) teeothr@ ignou.ac.in

Phone No.(s) :011-29572209

Apply Online here https://exam.ignou.ac.in/ENOApply.asp

Tentative Exam Centre : The List of proposed Examination Centres for June 2018 TEE has been received from Regional Centres. They were reviewed based on the Observers and Flying Squads reports across the country. However, University has the right to withdraw any examination centre without assigning any reasons thereof in order to conduct smooth & fair examinations in the interest of the stakeholders of the University and in order to maintain credibility of the System/University.
Download here http://www.ignou.ac.in/userfiles/TENTATIVE%20EXAM%20CENTRE%20FOR%20JUNE%202018%20TEE.pdf