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Student Special By Ehsaan Yousf
IUST OCT 04 : [KNZ] ATTENTION: It is notified for the information of all concerned that Preliminary Screening/Merit Reports of the applications received for the post of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (MATHEMATICS) advertised vide advertisement Notice No, 02 of 2017 dated 06-03-2017 is available on University Website The candidates who are having any deficiency or have some documents pending as shown against each are informed to submit the deficient documents up to lcf’ of October 2017 failing which the candidature of such candidates shall be rejected and thereafter, no claim, whatsoever shall be entertained.[KNZ]
Queries if any may also be submitted to the office of the Registrar up to 21st of September 2017 along with relevant documentary proof in support of the claim. No claim shall be entertained thereafter. The candidates can also submit the pending documents/queries (if any) at e-mail ID: up to 10th of October 2017.[KNZ]