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 Ehsaan Yousf


Srinagar 10 Sept【KNZ】:Post Name : J&K Police constable
Written test Date : 08 Oct 2017 KNZ

It is for the information of all those candidates who after having applied for the post of constable in J&K Police under TRP 2016-17 have qualified the Physical Endurance / Measurement Test (PET/PMT) that their written test shall be conducted on 08 Oct 2017 (Sunday) in all the districts of J&K.KNZ

The time and venue for the conduct of said examination shall be reflected in their Admit Cards.

The Admit Cards of all such eligible candidates will be available on J&K Police Website (www.jkpolice.gov.in) w.e.f. 16 Sep 2017.KNZ

The written test will consist of objective type questions.

The question paper will consist of 100 questions to be attempted in 02 hrs.KNZ

The question paper will be of matriculation standard and will comprise questions on

General awareness,
General Knowledge,
Elementary Mathematics,
Analytical Aptitude and Ability.KNZ

The candidates are advised to bring along their Admit Cards and any valid ID Proof and will ensure to report at their examination centers as per the time mentioned in their Admit Cards.

The candidates are also advised to strictly follow the instructions detailed out in their respective Admit Cards