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Student Special by Ehsaan Yousf

ATTENTION B.Ed STUDENTS: It is notified for the information of those B.Ed candidates who have missed their P.O.T/ School Internship-cum-Microteaching due to one or other reason and are desirous to appear in the said examination can submit their application alongwith a fee receipt for an amount of Rs.500/- as special examination fee under Examination Maintenance Fund (EMF) Account No.50550 in the name of Controller of Examination by or before 27-12-2017 in the office of the undersigned.

The External examination will be conducted on 30-12-2017 in the Sch 001 of Education & Behavioral Science, University of Kashmir.
Besides the candidate bearing following examination Roll No’s need not to apply, however they have to submit fee receipt for an amount of Rs.500/- as special examination fee under Examination Maintenance Fund (EMF) Account No.50550 in the name of Controller of Examination:- 1744710, 174720, 1711081, 1743293, 1743292, 1743383, 1745574, 1745114,1745741 to 1745746, 1740490, 1743954, 1743951, 1740495, 1743753, 1743624, 1711244, 1679009 & 1678989.