Two-day National Conference on Emerging Perspectives in Nursing Care Conclude.
Nasir Khan Central Kashmir Bureau Chief
Two-day National Conference on Emerging Perspectives in Nursing Care, organised by Nursing of Administration SKIMS at SKICC and attended by around 700 delegates from all over India, concluded on 12 September. The conference was inaugurated by Governor shri NN Vohra, Ms Asea Naqash Minister of Health and Medical Education Was the Guest of honour Speaking on the oceasion, The Governor Said that there is shortages of Nurses In Indian and around 24 lac nurses are required to fill gap. He said that nurses are very component of medical care and thus deserve important proper place in the society.
Speaking on the occasion Mos health and medical education emphasized the role of such conferences to improve the knowledge and skills of nurses. She Appreciated The Efforts Of The Organizing Committee To Have Organised Such a great programme.